Monday, May 12, 2008

Heart of a Home...

Home is not where you live but where they understand you

Well, after school life...we tend to go out to the world to look for exciment and walk a life of our own..alot of problem we will face and likely not to tell our parents and family members bout it...we just turn to frens for advise and consultation... Most of us will share our things wit frens... although we stay in a home wit our parents..the distance seems to be goin apart then when we were young... but till a certain point of ur life...u wil knoe tat family members can help u thru the hard road tat u walking on... cuz anyhow they wil take their heart to understand ur situation, patience to listen to ur problem and time to guide u thru the way... then u wil feel tat..u are not alone walking in ur life cuz family members wil always be wit u... so in anything ther'll be a few angle to look at...just tat which angle u wanna look in at tat time of situation u are in.. which is why ppl always say.. u choose ur road and make decision wisely cuz when u choose wrong...the time had bein wasted.. so share wit others cuz u wil get more knowledge and walk a better road..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Expression on Impression...

Looks may capture the eyes but it's the personality that captures the heart

It's very normal tat ppl capture the appearance of a person before falling for tat why ppl fall in luv wit each other cuz of the appearance??.. did u ever hav a fren tat u never had a chance to met up wit and yet can hav wonderful times together chatting??.. well, appearance is important..but not as important as a person personality..the within personality can be much more worth than the appearance of a person... feeling is one strange thing tat bring u special moments tat very hard to forget... appearance can be the first impression for ppl but only personality wil bring u closer in oneself heart...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Human glass...

Friendship is like a glass. If u break it, it’s hard to fix, And even if you manage that, it’ll never be the same.

Alot of ppl do things without thinking of the consequence so after doin it mayb just too late... not only in lov but in friendship as well... words sometimes can be very powerful... u dunno who u are hurting at times even is by joking or accidentally... but when friendship or couple breaks then it's really hard to get back wat we build for so long... but on the good side... we wil knoe each other better cuz of all the mistakes tat hav been done... so learn to cherish every person and be a fren at any moment... becareful of words especially while kidding...cuz a moment of happiness wil costs u a friendship or regrets for a lifetime... sometimes apologise wun works so dun think anything wil be ok after apologising... so learn from mistake and next time u wil be a better fren or a life partner...